Walka kogutow/Cockfight

Historie znacie z wpisu “Kogucie mozdzki” tak wiec nie pozostaje teraz nic wiecej jak obejrzec to co staralem sie opisac. Muzyka moze nie dodaje tyle “humoru”, co pozwala w spokoju patrzec na film, bo uwierzcie na slowo, ale mi na zywo momentami bylo ciezko…

Story of this movie was told in “Kogucie mozdzki”, so there is nothing more to do like just watch this what I was trying to write there. Musi was added for you to be able see whole video. Trust me that even if it looks not so bad here, live I had huge problems watching!

One thought on “Walka kogutow/Cockfight

  1. Everyone loves it when folks come together and share thoughts.
    Great site, keep it up!

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